Tuesday, April 7, 2015



    In order to solve a problem, the problem first must be correctly identified.  Let it be known that gay America is not the cause of any of the political upheavals that American citizens are facing in 2015.  We are not the ones trying to pass laws that whitewash prejudice, to turn it into some false form of religious freedom.  We are not the ones denying the rights to anyone or any group. We are, however, fighting to prevent our rights from being denied by conservative Christians. I would like to make this perfectly clear, the LGBT community finds absolutely nothing wrong with traditional marriage. In fact, we believe that the basic reason for marriage is love. Thus, we simply uphold marriage equality that gives the right to consenting adults to marry whomever they love. 

   I thank God every day that the gay community has a solid media   platform, such as the Internet, whereby our voices can be heard.  Americans are posting thousands of articles supporting a lifestyle that means no harm to anyone. Through these articles we have learned that gays are “coming out” in greater numbers today than ever before.  As a result, many religious groups are freaking out because they can no longer use fear, as a tool in the hands of the Almighty, to keep gays in the closet. 

   I will say with my dying breath that there is something bad wrong with a group of people who cannot be satisfied unless they find something or someone to hate.  I have tried and tried and cannot come up with a logical answer to the question --- If the Christian lifestyle is so filled with joy, contentment, peace, and happiness, why are so many Christians always trying to find fault with the lifestyle of others?  If you are so happy, and I hope that you are, why not enjoy your happiness, and allow others to do the same?

   Is it so worrisome to Christians what we, the gay community, have found peace with our God, and, because we love each other, we have secured our place in the life hereafter, that you cannot leave us alone? We wish you well in your pursuit of heavenly activities. We sincerely hope that you have no difficulty using the King James Bible as your secure ticket to walk quickly past Saint Peter at the Golden Gate and on into your concept of eternal bliss.  We would like to make this perfectly clear—we wish you no ill will at all.


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