Wednesday, January 20, 2021




Even with the inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, America is still experiencing one of the darkest periods since the Civil War. It is indeed a dark period when Donald Trump could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not loose one supporter. There are no words in the English language to adequately describe American citizens who have allowed such an evil influence to invade their mental process. 

Under the leadership of Donald Trump the Republican Party has become an evil organization. It is a party that has promoted hate,   participated in bigotry, endorsed voter suppression, and denied the civil rights of African Americans and LGBTQ individuals. The party has attempted to revitalize the Confederacy, which is one of the world’s worse governments. It is time for the Republicans to crawl back into their caves of the Dark Ages and only be allowed to peep through the keyholes of progress, while the world of change continues in a forward direction. 

You are a Donald Trump supporter because he represents what you really are. You believe that your white skin makes you better than all others skin colors of the world. You believe that your heterosexuality puts you in a class above all the other homosexuals of the world. You believe that your white-skin children deserve a better life than the brown or black skin children of the world. You believe that you deserve to live in a bigger house, have a better job, and drive a bigger car, than any others. You believe that the brown and black skin people of the world are put here to be your servants. You believe that because you are a member of the White, American, Christian, Church that it gives you the right to hate. The only adjective that effectively describes you is pathetic. You are the reason that America is not a nation of peace. You have failed in the successful process of living. You do not recognize that a life void of happiness is not a life but a mere existence.   

The members of the so-called White, American, Christian, Church,   apparently do not have the ability to see what they have done. They have allowed the devil to become the leader of the evangelical church. They have remained silent while their ministers endorsed the greatest evil ever to invade American soil.  They have become a part of a lying, cheating, and adulterous government.  They have made American Christianity the weakest of all the world’s major religions. 

The recent actions of Donald Trump have finally revealed what he really is.  He is the biggest liar on the planet and the worst piece of garbage ever to be called a human. He has attempted to overthrow the United States government in an insurrection of the US Capital, and to declare himself the dictator.  Donald Trump is the persona of evil and is more evil than the devil himself. His entire life has been a series of evil events, and he will go down in history as the worse of all the USA presidents. He is a grown man with the mind of a nine year old and the actions of a spoiled one year old brat.  I say this with no malice towards none, but with the importance that the truth must be spoken, if you are not ashamed of supporting Donald Trump it proves that you do not have the mental ability to break the curse of a corrupt, evil, political cult? 

Even though the majority of Americans have voted to cleanse the government of the greatest cancer since the Civil War more cleansing must occur. The cancer of Donald Trump has metastasized into all aspects of American society. Five years ago I warned Americans that the corruption of Donald Trump had spread into all branches of federal and local governments. The corruption of Donald Trump has reached deep into America’s banking system and also into America’s businesses. He and his family are a group of mafia controlled illegal gangsters whose roots have extended far outside the boundaries of the United States.  Only history will relate just how close America has become to being an authoritative state. 

It does little good to tell Donald Trump supporters that they are being led by a corrupt leader. It is a loosing battle to attempt to reason with a Confederate flag barrier, a Neo-Nazi follower, or an QAnon conspiracy theorists. Ignorance is rampart in America in the form of red-capped, brainless, heads, running around aimlessly with the actions of a lawless mob attempting to overthrow the government. Those of us who are true patriots of America’s democratic government would never have dreamed that a man like Donald Trump would have the balls to even attempt to over throw the government. But yet the truth reared its ugly head.The United States is at an important crossroads and once again the future of a Constitutional Democracy is at stake.  American citizens can choose to follow the legally elected administration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris or continue down the road to support an illegal wannabe dictator. One thing is for sure, the road of a wannabe dictator is a dead end with the overthrow of American democracy.  I do not know about you, but as for me and my house, we choose to support a government of, for, and by, the people.








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