Sunday, April 19, 2015



   Within the next decade it will be revealed that the gay population is much greater than the reported 10%. So parents and grandparents, get ready. The chances are—sooner or later—your son, daughter, or grandchild will come to you and say, “There is something I’ve wanted to tell you for a long time but couldn’t find the right moment.  I want to tell you—I’m gay.”

   As a parent you need to know that this will probably be the scariest moment in your child’s life. At that moment, you will have the opportunity to become the greatest parent in the world.  What your gay child needs more than anything else is to feel your arms wrapped tightly around him or her and hear you say, “You are my child, and I love you more than you could ever imagine.  And I will love you unconditionally, until the day I die.” A gay child, who is faced with living in a straight world, needs to know that there is security in the loving arms of a Mom and a Dad.

   Youngsters will make mistakes, but being gay in not one of them. There is a great deal of confusion circulating about homosexuality, but parents need not be confused. You should simply stay with facts, and one fact is that sexuality is determined at conception and is not a choice. Therefore, the gay lifestyle is not a lifestyle of choice. Parents, you should know that a gay son or a lesbian daughter will probably be the best child you could ever have. Do not ever allow a television evangelist, or a pulpit orator, or anyone in a leadership position to say anything to you that would prevent you from having a happy, loving relationship with your gay child. 

   The greatest moments in your life will be when you say to your gay grandson, “Grab your fishing pole and let’s go fishing. I want to show you how to catch the biggest bass you’ve ever seen.” Or when you say to your lesbian daughter, “Pick up your bat and let’s head for the softball field. I want to see MY daughter hit that ball over the fence.” Or when you say to your gay son, “Tonight I want to go with you. I want to see MY son break-dancing on the disco floor.”

   These are the moments that great parents carry great memories with them far beyond the grave. These are the earthly experiences that make heaven a reality.

   I beg of you—don’t miss out!



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