Sunday, May 3, 2015



     Christians believe that the Bible is the true word of God. Therefore, they must accept the fact that, in the Garden of Eden, God gave man a choice.  When the Almighty gave his creation the ability to choose, he created a BEING rather than a ROBOT.  The Christian lifestyle is a lifestyle of choice.  

    If Christians believe that God is an all-knowing (omniscient) God, they must also accept the fact that an all-knowing God knows that forced love is not true love. Thus, the attempt to force the Christian lifestyle on anyone is a dictatorial policy that defies all Biblical teachings. This is a MISTAKEN THEOLOGY.

   The claim made by some conservative Christian leaders that the gay community is attacking the Christian church is absolutely not true. Gay Americans are not the ATTACKERS, and in no way are we a threat to the Christian lifestyle. If Christians believe that same-sex relations and same-sex marriages are wrong, it is simple—they do not have to participate? 

    American gays uphold the right of religious freedom for ourselves and for others, and we are not attempting to deny religious freedom to anyone.  Gays firmly believe that Christians have every right to live as they believe, and we are not trying to pass laws that force a certain lifestyle on anyone or any group. But we are not going to sit idly by while conservative Christians attempt to force their lifestyle on us, and blame us for creating the problems.

   Religious freedom does not come in the context of one conservative viewpoint. The freedom to choose—given to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden—should remain part of contemporary Christian theology.      




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