Friday, January 11, 2019



     It is difficult to change a mindset that is deeply rooted in tradition. It is challenging to change a mental tradition in the belief that skin color produces superiority.  It is hard to change a religious tradition to prove that there is more to religious freedom that freedom to be a Christian. It is tough to change a social tradition in which heterosexuals think they are better than homosexuals.

     In Southeast Asia children are taught to respect age because they know that with age comes wisdom. “I know a thing or two because I have seen a thing or two,” a quotation from a TV advertisement. This is not to say that I think I am some kind of a genius or that that I have some prophetic knowledge of the future.  But I can spot a con artist when I see one, and I can recognize a liar when I hear one. I know that Donald Trump is both a con artist and a liar.

      I also know that Donald Trump and his followers are capable of destroying America’s democratic process of government. I know that Donald Trump’s heroes are authoritative rulers because I have heard from his own lips that he admires and desires to be one.  I know that Donald Trump becomes angry when his opinions and actions are questioned, and I know that these are not the traits of a good leader.

     Donald Trump controls about one third of Americans and that is a   solid base that probably will not change.  Regardless of what happens to Trump, the world will exist, and historians will continue to write. History will not be kind to Trump; neither will it be kind to Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, and all of the Donald Trump enablers.

     It disturbs me when I know that some of my friends and relatives are making a big mistake. And when that mistake is so big that it could destroy a complete democratic government, I should become outspoken and greatly concerned.

    However, in attempting to change mindsets I have learned some valuable lessons. I have learned that the use of anger has absolutely no affect in changing an attitude or an opinion. I have learned that condemnation of a conviction will never change a way of thinking. To condemn a person for his or her beliefs merely secures the mental attitude within that individual. The attempt to try and shame a person for a certain belief is a worthless attempt in changing any philosophy. I have also learned that using intellectual superiority accomplishes nothing. To belittle a person by telling them they are dumb or stupid or uneducated, only strengthens the psyche of a mindset.

     Yet, on the other hand, I have learned that supporters of a certain belief or who support a certain political individual will ignore facts in order to continue support. The political division that separates American families is now so great that it may never be unified.
    The tragedy that surrounds all this is the children. It is a terrible mistake to teach a child to be prejudice.  Prejudice places a burden that will affect a child for an entire life.  It will affect happiness and prevent   children from reaching their full potential. The best thing any parent can do for a child is to teach acceptance and tolerance. Accept diversity and be a part of the global society and happiness and success will follow the child throughout all the days of his life.
    America’s democratic process is being tested greater now than any time since the Civil War.  However, there are signs that are pointing towards a victory for democracy. The 2019 House of Representatives is   more diverse than anytime in US history. It is important that voters make sure the Members of the House do what they were elected to do, and that is to serve the American people. If that happens, America will shine like it has never shone before. That shining will reach into the Senate of 2020 and on into the Executive Branch. It is important that the American lighthouse of democracy continues to bring hope to the millions of people around the globe who strive for a better form of government.      

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