Monday, July 1, 2019




This reaches far above my practice of commonality. So the boss demands loyalty. When loyalty reaches deep into the soul of man and separates that which is wrong from that which is right, and adheres to the wrong, it is no longer loyalty but obedience.  Obedience is an animalistic characteristic and once obeyed removes individuals from the human race and into the realm of programmed automation. When a human surrenders to that which is wrong strictly for the sake of loyalty, he has placed a monetary value on his soul which is the death of humanity and the birth of an android. There is no honor in obedience strictly for the sake of appealing to the desires of another. 

This is exactly what is happening in America’s political scene.  Political operatives have become a group of obedient liars who have sacrificed their humanity in order to protect the agenda of a political party.  They have chosen to remove themselves from the class of humans and into a class of robots.

It is difficult to be a member of the human race and not be totally disgusted with the image of the so-called, “obedient man.” One of the worse mistakes in history is to allow children to witness, “Fathers without backbones.” To be nothing more than a “yes man” is the lowest level of civilization known to mankind.  Push my button and I will respond.  Charge my battery and I will act.  Turn my crank and I will salute. Tell me what to say, and I will say it, are all acts performed by those who do not deserve the title of human. Engage in my nausea! 

Some of the things that are happening in America today are abhorrent to the human race. A cancer has invaded the White House.  Humans are treating other humans like they are animals in obedience to a criminal cartel leader. The conditions of children in cages, sleeping on concrete floors, with no soap, clean drinking water, or tooth brushes, are as inhumane as it gets, and yet there is no real outcry from the so-called Christian community.  

Our forefathers warned us about the loophole in a democratic form of government, and the loophole is the opportunity for dishonest individuals to gain control.  Democracy is a form of government meant to be controlled by honest individuals, and when that is true, democracy is the greatest form of government known to mankind. But when dishonest people gain control, democracy can be one of the worse forms of government. It is sad to say that the latter is what has happened in the U.S.A. today.  If these conditions continue there is only one truth to be said, democracy has failed!


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