Sunday, November 20, 2016



The results of the recent election make it apparent that most Americans do not want to solve America’s social ills. They have lived so long with hate they enjoy the turmoil that hatemongering brings. A few Americans realize they are living in distress but seem helpless to know what to do about it.

An American tragedy is in the making. The election of Donald J. Trump proves that America is front and center in the “dumbing down era” of American history. To make the assumption that Donald Trump is America’s great Santa Clause is a grave mistake. Americans voted for a Christmas wish list of campaign promises that will not be fulfilled. It is morally wrong to accept a sexist, racist, bigot, homophobe, and xenophobe as the leader of the free world. Racism alone will create more problems than a Republican police state will be able to solve.

The only way to end this tragedy is to adopt an inclusive progressive agenda. That has not happened and apparently will not happen within the next four years. America’s social mixing bowl consists of people from all over the world and that is one of the nation’s greatest strengths. The exclusive Republican agenda, plus the selective teachings of the Republican Christian ministries, will not solve the problems. 

There is no doubt that a vote for Donald Trump was a vote for a “political savior.” A confused citizenry is an open invitation for a dictator, and Americans are headed down that path with incredible speed.  A one-party political system, which Americans have just adopted, is only one step away from communism, and communism is a form of authoritarian rule.

The jobs of the future depend upon the creative ability of American citizens.  Creative individuals cannot reach their full potential under a repressive form of government. Any move on the part of the government to stifle creative growth is a major mistake. At the present, Americans have no idea the harm they have caused to themselves and to the democratic form of government.   

Americans claim they cannot trust an established politician, yet they reinstated several lifelong Republican politicians to the House and Senate. It is one thing to throw a corrupt politician under the bus, but it is another to destroy an established politician with a pack of lies conjured up by an obviously corrupt political machine. 

It is also evident that Fox News played a major role in the defeat of Hillary Clinton.  A man from outside the United States came to America with a little money and the idea that, if he could fan the flames of hate, he could attract a following that would render him a billionaire. He cared nothing about the American people then or now; he just wanted to become richer. He hired a group of so-called news anchors who will do or say anything for money. They have developed a massive following of confused individuals who have turned into a cult. Therefore with the use of brainwashing techniques—which meant pounding the airways 24-7 with one lie followed by another—they were instrumental in electing the President of the United States. 

Like the bully he is, every time Mr. Trump got into trouble on the political playground, he ran to Fox News to heal his wounds. “Of course, you won the debates,” they lied to him and many other confused Americans. So now the President elect is a puppet to Rupert Murdock and perhaps even to Roger Ailes, who is still working behind the scenes.  Americans are left with the tragedy.

Americans have no idea how bad the situation is going to get. Here are   a few examples of the beginnings of the tragedy.

~There are videos of students running in the hallways of America’s Junior High Schools with signs shouting, “White Power!”

~There are also videos of elementary students shouting down the teachers with chants of, “Build that wall! Build that wall!”

~Bullies have reestablished themselves on America’s playgrounds controlling their playmates as if to say, “Listen up chums, being a bully will get you to the White House.”

~American citizens are already questioning, “If the president pays no tax, why should we?” 
Mr. Trump, your favorite phrase—“IT’S A DISASTER”—has quickly taken on a completely new meaning. You are just about to see what a real disaster is, and this is only the tip of the iceberg.  

On January 20, 2017 Americans will have a new president. Already this man is showing signs of being a puppet, because he just isn’t qualified to take on the job. Have you heard the latest news? Donald Trump has said he is going to relax and play golf and let Mike Pence run the government. My, my, how quickly things change. It was just a short time ago that Republicans were criticizing President Obama, and   calling him all kinds of nasty names, if he even thought about playing a game of golf. Now we see what was NOT okay for a man of color has just become OKAY for a white man. But according to the leaders of the Republican Party there is no PREJUDICE within their ranks.

The process of brainwashing is not going to work with me. The statements saying “now is the time for everyone to get along and work together” are hogwash.  Fox News and the Republicans in the House and Senate chose to give President Obama not one second, not one hour, not even one day for the so-called political honeymoon. The very minute he set foot in the White House they started an organized program to destroy HIM. There are no second thoughts, there is no doubt, Fox News and the Republican Party did everything within their power to destroy America’s first black president. If the Democrats in the House and Senate have any kind of a backbone, they will give Donald Trump a double dose of the same medicine that was given to President Obama?

I have experienced—first hand—threats, verbal abuse, even physical abuse as a gay man when I lived in America’s Southland. I believe a heavy responsibility rests on my shoulders to tell the world of the evils of homophobia in the entire nation. I plan to do everything within my power to see that the future generations of young gay boys, young lesbian girls, transgender teenagers, and bisexual youths born in the United States of America do not live in a bigoted environment surrounded by homophobic prejudices. However, that responsibility has just developed into a greater challenge with the President-elect and the Vice President-elect being two of the most extreme bigots known around the world.  It is going to take some strong words, and yes, maybe some robust actions, to prevent them from destroying the progress that has been made in human relations in America in the last fifty years.

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