Tuesday, February 6, 2018



     American evangelical Christian Churches have become little more than social clubs specializing in hurting people.  From the time the first white man set foot on Western soil hate has been the predominate factor. And even today hate controls evangelical doctrine.

     Of all the devastating evils in the world Christianity has chosen homosexuality to be the worse. Within the Christian Church a gay man is not allowed to have a relationship with God.  However, God made gay people the same way he made straight people and it is the evil within the hearts of men that has created negative restraints on different sexual orientations.

    It should be the responsibility of the church to build strong human relations with God.  It is not the responsibility of the church to dictate who can and cannot have a spiritual relationship with the heavenly Father. When religious organizations exert power over God, they no longer become an instrument for God but an instrument against God.

     Donald j. trump has been declared the controversial leader of American evangelicals.  Of all the available leaders donald trump is the worse.  He is a sick creature and his sickness is an “evil sickness.”  He receives pleasure in hurting people, and he stays awake at night thinking of ways to hurt more folks. 

    He takes pleasure in hurting immigrants by separating families in the process of deportation. He likes hurting DACA children by threatening to send them to countries they have never known.  And he enjoys offending transgender individuals by forbidding them to serve in the military.  He has spent a lifetime using the words “you are fired” which are words he enjoys using because they harm people. 

    Donald trump enjoyed doing everything possible in his attempt to hurt 28 million Americans by the denial of health benefits.   He enjoys hurting American children by leading the way for Congress to reduce spending for programs that provide food for the needy. He enjoys taking from the poor and giving to the rich. He is the biggest form of evil ever to enter the White House. And for all of those who support him keep in mind, if given the opportunity he will hurt you, because he hurt his own Mother, and she lived to tell about it.

   Take a close look at what American Christianity has become with one year of donald trump as the leader. He represents everything Christianity should not be. It is now one of the most hypocritical lifestyles ever experienced on the planet. Christianity is so wrapped up in politics that members of the church are supporting a political party rather than the teachings of Jesus. The church has moved so far away from the teachings of Jesus that it should not even be allowed to call the lifestyle Christian.

    Today, modern Christianity supports sexual deviation if the deviations are committed by heterosexuals.  Within the Christian Church it is okay to be a child molester if you are a “straight” child molester.  It is okay to be a sexual predator if you are a heterosexual predator.  But yet Christians say the world’s biggest evils are committed within the LGBT communities.

    The Christian Church will not admit that their teachings are responsible for most of the hatreds, bigotries, and injustices, exhibited in the USA.  They will not admit being responsible for the thousands of gay individuals who have ended their lives because of the negative   teachings of Christianity.  Still today record numbers of LGBT teenagers take their own lives because they cannot endure the harassment that comes from the Christian community.


   ****** When a mass population of confused citizens allows tax dollars to pay professional LIARS to LIE for the president, it is about as bad as bad can be, but so-called Christian politicians can stand flat-footed and lie through their teeth, and still receive support from their constituents. **** 

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