Sunday, May 12, 2019



People get ready! Donald Trump has set the stage for the destruction of America’s democracy. He has turned the swamp into a gator pond, and has told every lie possible to protect him and all the other gators.  There has never been a secret to Donald Trump’s motives. His plan from the very beginning was to set himself up as America’s first dictator.  In order to do that, he has carefully stacked the deck in his favor. He controls the Republican Party and the Evangelical Church. He controls the Executive Branch and one half of the Legislative Branch of government.

The Republicans have rigged the Supreme Court into a political body that will uphold any decision in favor of Donald Trump. This has provided Trump with the courage to ignore Congressional subpoenas. Plus, he has also ignored Congress’ request for his tax returns, and has a treasury secretary who is protecting his every move. He has instructed the DOJ not to release the unredacted Mueller Report, and William Barr will do anything possible to protect this man. The only part of American government that prevents him from total control is the Democratic House of Representatives.

However, the real Donald Trump is finally revealed.  He is not the successful business man that he pretends to be. The fact that he personally lost over 1 billion dollars makes him the biggest looser in that decade.  Every aspect of his life is a fraud.  And the biggest fraud of all is the fact that faces every American each working day; DONALD TRUMP PAYS NO TAXES.  The only question left to be answered is, how long will Donald Trump get away with being a con artist?

Democracy is the best form of government ever known to mankind.  One of the most serious offences anyone can commit is supporting the destruction of a democracy. Republicans either do not know what they are doing or they have no knowledge of history.  What they are doing will require a World War to undo, and it is not written in the stars that even a World War can reestablish a democracy. At this time in history, a world war would be the end of civilization.  

A message to Donald Trump defenders; you may think there will be no repercussions in supporting Donald Trump but you are wrong! You will go down in history as the people who tried to destroy the world’s greatest form of government. I find it difficult to believe that Donald Trump supporters do not know what they are doing to themselves, their children, and their grandchildren. Nevertheless, their ignorance will not be ignored in regards to America’s future. Future generations will spit on their graves and curse their family names, because there is a great possibility they, the future generations of America, will be denied the freedoms allowed in a democratic form of government.

There will come a time when Donald Trump supporters will wish that these years of history could be erased, but that will not happen. It will be recorded in history as one of the greatest acts of ignorance ever performed by humans. I find it incomprehensible that many Americans cannot see what is happening. If Trump does not get a majority of the popular vote in 2020, he will declare the election a fraud. He has already said that any election whereby he is not the winner is rigged. Donald Trump will never leave the White House willingly, and if you believe otherwise, you believe a false narrative.  He will have to be dragged out of the White House, kicking and screaming by US Marshalls.

I have doubts that there is anyone in America who is capable of putting up the kind of fight that will be required to defeat Donald Trump. One thing is for certain, it will take one hell of a fight because Republicans have become experts in rigging a democratic governmental system in their favor. There must be some hidden reward that only Republicans understand. For Senate Republicans to give away the power of the Legislative Branch to Donald Trump is something historians will write about for centuries.

It has been disappointing to experience my family name dragged through the mud in order to support the likes of Donald Trump. Even though I cannot be responsible for the actions of family members, I can tell the world that a different blood flows through my veins.  I know a fraud when I see one, and I know a liar when I hear one. I believe it is a fact, Donald Trump is one of the world’s greatest con artists, and I feel assured that history will prove this to be true!

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