Tuesday, May 26, 2020



“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” 

Maya Angelou 

So many times political leaders show us who they are, and yet thousands refuse to believe. It is impossible to count the number of times Donald Trump has shown what he is, and goodness is not one of his traits. Trump does not have a good side, but his supporters think he is the great cult leader who can do no wrong. Donald Trump has shown from the beginning that he intends to be a dictator, and there are numerous signs from all aspects of federal government that prove this is happening.  The most deplorable humans in the world are those who would sacrifice a democratic government for a monarchy.  

17 United States intelligent agencies have said without a shadow of a doubt that Russia interfered with the 2016 election. However, Republicans refuse to believe it. All of these agencies continue to say that Russia will interfere again in the 2020 election. It is apparent that there is some kind of a connection between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.  Either Donald Trump has financial investments in Russia that he is trying to protect or Putin is the guarantor of the millions of dollars in loans given to Donald Trump by Deutsche Bank.  It is also possible that Putin is holding some kind of despicable information concerning Donald Trump’s morality, such as the “Pee Tapes.” 

It is clear that Christians are not concerned with Donald Trump’s immorality. While they render public support to the most immoral president in America’s history, they continue to preach “‘til the cows come home,” about the immorality of same-sex marriage. Within the Christian religion there are flaws that are gaining world-wide attention. If the sanctity of heterosexual marriage is so strong, what is there to fear about same-sex marriage? If the Christian religion is so powerful what is there to fear in confrontation with other religions? Is it possible that Christianity cannot stand the test? The weakest religion in the world is one that depends upon laws to force citizens into compliance. 

It is obvious that Republicans are trying to destroy America’s democracy.  Donald Trump and his outlaw gang are in cahoots with Russia, and in reality that makes Donald Trump a traitor. His supporters will deny this, but if Trump is re-elected American democracy will be a thing of the past. I ask Donald Trump supporters to look seriously at the kind of government they are leaving for their children? It is hard to believe that any clear thinking person cannot see through Donald Trump.  

If Americans have experienced too many freedoms, to the point that they have developed a misguided approach to freedom, to think that freedoms exist in a monarchy, Americans are making the biggest mistake in history.  The pilgrims come to America ---- to escape a monarchy. The Revolutionary War was fought ----- to declare freedom from a monarchy.  

Millions of American men and women have sacrificed their lives to protect the freedoms guaranteed by the United States democracy. The framers of the US Constitution are not just turning over in their graves; they are doing cartwheels, as Donald Trump and his supporters make jokes out of America’s system of laws. To witness Americans turn their backs on democracy in support of a wannabe dictator, is the saddest experience of my life.    


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