Thursday, February 11, 2021




70 million Americans have been kicked out of their homes and are living in their cars, in the streets, or under bridges. Millions are going hungry and food lines are longer than they were anytime during the Great Depression. Soup kitchens are overwhelmed trying to serve hundreds more than they have ever served before. Kids are not in school and thousands are dying each day from Covid-19. Things are not looking so good for the Great Society. The Great American Dream has become the Great American Nightmare, and there is a possibility that the American economic system is on the verge of collapse. 

However, there may be a light at the end of this tunnel. Americans are resilient people and are not willing to continue living under bridges.  Since the insurrections on January 6th, 2021, thousands of Americans realize the damage that one egocentric maniac has caused to the United States. As a result, thousands have already changed party affiliation and hundreds more are changing every day. 

Several years ago, I advocated the need for a strong, third political party. The Two-Party System has not served Americans well. I suggested the name Coalition Party, but the name that has resonated with most Americans is Independent Party. The vast majority of those who left the Republican Party have become members of the Independent Party. This party is the fastest growing political party in California, and it is predicted that the trend will continue across the USA. 

One thing that Americans must agree upon is that there is too much corruption in both of the present day political parties.  The Republican Party, better known as the Grand Old Party, is the established white man’s party. For over 200 years the white man has been in control of   the most powerful nation on the planet.  However, in recent days the hand writing on the wall reads, “It is possible that within the next two decades the white man will become the minority race in the United States.”  Needless to say, the white man is freaking out.  

For decades the white man was able to keep a segregated school system in which students were taught that their white skin made them superior to others. Not only that, but the white man was able to control history by deleting pages in text books denying the atrocities permeated by the controlling power. For years the white man used the whip as the dominate weapon for obedience.  From the colonial days of American history, the white man has been able to keep women in subservient positions.  With the power of the almighty dollar, plantation owners were able to manipulate the voices from the pulpit that legalized human slavery. Throughout the history of the USA, the white man has forced black and brown skin hands to do the dirty work that their lily white hands refused to do.

The essence of a power struggle between the two political parties is the driving force in today’s discontented federal government. The undeniable desire for power has defined power as an uncontrollable drug that is more addictive than any other physically dependent drug known to mankind.  

While the House quarrels,

The Empire borrows.

While the Senate debates,

The Empire deflates.

While the Executive signs,

The Empire declines.

While politicians grumble,

The Empire crumbles.










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