Thursday, February 18, 2021




There is a story in the Bible about Moses and the Ten Commandments. God spoke to Moses and instructed him to go up on Mount Sinai and receive the commandments.  Moses listened to God and did as he had been instructed. When he stayed on the mountain for 40 days and 40 nights the Israelite's became restless and thought that he had forsaken them and was not returning. 

God had just delivered the people of Israel from Egyptian slavery by way of the Red Sea. After all the blessings they had received from God, they quickly turned away and instructed Aaron, the brother of Moses, to collect all the gold and build a golden image in the shape of a calf. Forgetting God and his blessings, immediately, the Children of Israel began to worship the golden image of materialism. 

Does this story sound familiar?  Of course it does. American Christians have turned their backs on God and began worshiping “America’s Golden Boy of Materialism.” In a matter of days, Christians were scammed and knees were stuck to the “Alter Floor” of Trump, and tongues were glued to the boots of this fake religious leader. A fragile religion showed the world that it wasn’t a religion at all, but merely a scam that altered with a deceit.  

History has revealed that fragile religions have not been able to stand the test of time. False religions led by false prophets have been present since the beginning of human life on the planet. False leaders have come in all shapes and sizes, all promising a road map to salivation if certain steps are followed. But the scam is that those steps are always in favor of the leader, and the one scam they all had in common was, they were   wolves dressed in sheep clothing. 

From the beginning of the United States history, a group of white men learned that a disguised religion was a mechanism for control. Other than the scam pulled on Americans by Donald Trump, the greater scam has been the “religious scam.” Religious leaders have disguised the religion of hate to become the religion of love. They have disguised lies to be the truth, and wrongs to be right. These are false religious doctrines that will not stand the test of time. 

Mega Church preachers and TV Evangelists have led Americans into the scam of a false belief of the “religion of materialism.”  This scam has been created in order for millionaire preachers to claim and retain wealth as a “special blessing” from God.  It has given them the religious right to live like kings and queens while others around them are homeless and hungry. Not only that, but “religious materialism” has given them the right to hoard material wealth. As a “Biblical Directive,” they have taught parishioners that it is God’s plan for them to be wealthy, and it is the responsibility of their followers to provide the wealth.  Talk about a scam this is the “big one.”  And poor ignorant Americans work their fingers to the bone to provide a millionaire preacher, with a mansion, a limousine, and an airplane. 

From the beginning of time, the two major world religions have engaged in warlike tactics of force rather than achieve voluntary commitment. Religious organizations have failed to force morality. Governments have failed to enforce laws concerning the legislation of morality. 

The religious scam concerning sex has produced generations of hypocrites. Humans have found ways to circumvent issues of inconvenience to their choice of lifestyles. The examples of premarital sexual intercourse, marriage of one man to one woman till death do they part, and the legalization of marijuana, are just a few of the circumvents that have been unenforceable by religious and political leaders. The strong desire for sex in humans and the excitement of the sex act has driven humans into a different discourse for sexual satisfaction. 

The tobacco scam forced on humans for no other reason than   economic benefits, has been one of the biggest social scams ever permeated on any society. The alcoholic scam not recognized by legislative authorities as the greatest physical decency drug known to mankind, found its way to legal legislation by monetary contributions to elected officials. But the greatest scam of all times, infused by a chemical company that found the hemp plant competitive to their chemically induced drugs, made marijuana the evil plant of the universe. But today trillions around the globe have disobeyed the laws of man and are smoking the “MIRACLE WEED,” better known as God’s gift to mankind.   Man-made religious and political laws passed to benefit the “HAVES”  are many times rebuked by the masses.     

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