Thursday, May 21, 2015



   There is a story circulating on the Internet about a straight student (Jacob Lescenski) who asked his gay friend (Anthony Martinez) to be his date for the Senior Prom.  Even though that is a great story, perhaps the greater story involves the other students who attended the prom.
    It has been reported that not one anti-gay remark or one act of violence occurred during the prom. I would like to thank each student who attended for your remarkable behavior, because you showed America and the world THE WAY IT SHOULD BE.
    Each of you made a choice that night—you chose to allow tolerance to overcome violence, and the result was a happy ending.  Now you will be able to live the rest of your life with pride and tell your children and grandchildren that you had an active role in showing the world THE WAY IT SHOULD BE.


Sunday, May 10, 2015



It was not so long ago,

in a kingdom not so far away,

you did not have to listen close,

to hear some people say . . .


   “If we free all the slaves, it will ruin the whole economy. The Southern plantations cannot survive without slave labor.”

   “If we let all the gays out of the closet, it will destroy the Christian church. People will stop going to church, and we’ll have to lock the doors.”


   “Now you need to be a good slave and get on back in the cotton field where you belong.”

   “Now you need to be a good faggot and get on back in the closet where you belong.”


   “If we free all the slaves, soon they’ll be taking over everything.  Can you imagine that one day a black man might be living in the White House?”

   “If we don’t stop them now, soon the gays will be taking over everything. Can you imagine that one day there might be one of them homos living in the White House?”


   “If we don’t pass laws to stop it, there might even be mixed marriages. Can you imagine that a white man might even want to marry up with a black woman?  Now that would be the end of traditional marriage.”

   “If we don’t pass laws to stop it, there might even be same-sex marriages. Can you imagine that a man might even marry a man or a woman might marry up with another woman?  Now that would surely be the end of traditional marriage.”


   “It is necessary to have signs on all the public toilets—FOR WHITES ONLY. It’s below the dignity of a fine, genteel, white Southern gentlemen, to use the same toilet as a slave.”

   “It will become necessary to have signs on all the public toilets—FOR STRAIGHT MEN ONLY.  If a straight man uses the same toilet with a homosexual, he’ll come out being gay. It happens every time.”


   “If we don’t pass laws to stop it, black men will marry white women and soon we’ll have nothing but brown babies.  And that will be the end of the pure white race.”

   “If we don’t pass laws to stop it, the gays will marry gays and then we won’t have no babies.  Now that will be the end of the human race.”


   “If we allow the blacks to go to school with the whites, soon the white girls will be having sex with black boys, and that will be the end of public educational”

   “If these homosexuals continue to go to our schools, soon the straight boys will be having sex with the gay boys, and that will surely be the end of public education.”  




and on and on it goes.

Where will it stop?

Nobody really knows!   










Sunday, May 3, 2015



     Christians believe that the Bible is the true word of God. Therefore, they must accept the fact that, in the Garden of Eden, God gave man a choice.  When the Almighty gave his creation the ability to choose, he created a BEING rather than a ROBOT.  The Christian lifestyle is a lifestyle of choice.  

    If Christians believe that God is an all-knowing (omniscient) God, they must also accept the fact that an all-knowing God knows that forced love is not true love. Thus, the attempt to force the Christian lifestyle on anyone is a dictatorial policy that defies all Biblical teachings. This is a MISTAKEN THEOLOGY.

   The claim made by some conservative Christian leaders that the gay community is attacking the Christian church is absolutely not true. Gay Americans are not the ATTACKERS, and in no way are we a threat to the Christian lifestyle. If Christians believe that same-sex relations and same-sex marriages are wrong, it is simple—they do not have to participate? 

    American gays uphold the right of religious freedom for ourselves and for others, and we are not attempting to deny religious freedom to anyone.  Gays firmly believe that Christians have every right to live as they believe, and we are not trying to pass laws that force a certain lifestyle on anyone or any group. But we are not going to sit idly by while conservative Christians attempt to force their lifestyle on us, and blame us for creating the problems.

   Religious freedom does not come in the context of one conservative viewpoint. The freedom to choose—given to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden—should remain part of contemporary Christian theology.