Saturday, December 19, 2020




President elect Joe Biden and Vice-President elect Kamala Harris have inherited a hell-of-a-job, because Donald Trump has put America in a hell-of-a-mess. It is going to take some strong leadership if American democracy survives, and this soft-stepping, pussy-footing around is not going to hack it! Republicans are serious in their desire to maintain power. They fully believe they are loosing “White Power” control, and they will not give up easy, even if it takes violence. 

Trump knows what he is doing, he knows that he is more evil than the devil himself, and he knows that he can use his evil influence to stir up Republicans in an attempt to over-throw America’s democratic government.  Republicans will stand flat-footed and lie to your face and then turn around and refute it. They are engaged in a wide-spread attempt to destroy the will of the majority of the people. Historians may one day write that the death of America’s democracy occurred when an evil religious organization joined an evil political party. 

It is apparent that evil dominates the Republican Party and the evangelical churches. From the very beginning it was the Christian Church that advocated the policy of “White Supremacy.” It was the Christian Church that provided support for so-called Christians to invoke acts of violence upon individuals of different sexual orientations. It was the Christian Church that provided encouragement to invoke acts of injustice against individuals of different ethnic originals. It should therefore, be no surprise to anyone that the Christian Church created an evil monster such as Donald Trump. 

Until Christians change the hypocrisy of Christ-like culture, America will still be faced with the same problems 50 years from now.  American Christianity could not have involved itself deeper in the gutter than in support rendered to Donald Trump. Donald Trump has failed in declaring himself, “the god of money, in fact he has failed in declaring himself the god of anything except evil. Donald Trump will go down in history as the worse of all USA presidents. Any individual or organization that continues to support Donald Trump should realize they are supporting the most ungodly individual on the planet. Those preachers who claim that God is speaking directly to them, should perhaps listen more carefully, because God is saying that he is fed up with the hypocrisy that is dominating the Christian Church. 

There are lessons that need to be taught about evil. The Bible has much to say about the subject. The Bible says in 1st Timothy 6:10 “For the love of money is the root of all evil, and the United States has proven to be the perfect example. Evil begets evil. Evil is an addiction that is as great as any physical dependency drug. Once a person allows evil into their life it will fester, and soon it will dominate. When a person tells a lie and gets away with it, there is a 98% chance, they will lie again.  Lies do come in couples, rather they come in dozens.  One of the major reasons the United States is in the predicament it is in today, because Americans have lost their moral compass, and that is true because they are worshiping in churches that have no moral compass. 

American Christian churches have failed on several levels. There is nothing about Jesus Christ that represents hate. There is nothing about Jesus that represents bigotry and injustice, yet these have become dominating characteristics propagated by Christian doctrine. Another absolute failure of American Christianity is so-called “Prosperity Christianity.” This is a false doctrine relegated for the sold purpose that evangelists and preachers can engage in wealthy lifestyles of billionaires and millionaires, and seek Biblical protection. 

There is not one iota of “materialism” proclaimed in the doctrine of Jesus. So while “church-goers” sit in their air-conditioned churches, on velvet cushioned seats, in ankle-deed velvet carpet, with velvet curtains hanging over stained glass windows, listening to “prosperity” sermons, America is going to hell in a hand basket. While evangelists live in mansions, chauffeured in luxury cars, and fly around in multi-million dollar sky rockets, people are dying from starvation.  I heard these words come directly out of the mouth of Kenneth Copeland, “If you have only one nickel; you send me half of it.” It makes me sick to hear such nauseous remarks, but it makes me even sicker knowing that there are people stupid enough to do it. Therefore, I have a better understanding of why there are those who worship Donald Trump. 

America is a mixed-up, confused, and divided nation. Unless Americans get a grip on their mystified mentally, the future of the “Great Empire” is in jeopardy.

Saturday, December 12, 2020




The question is no longer, what is wrong with America, but rather what is wrong with Americans? It is no longer the fact that Nero fiddled while Rome burned, 


                               While Mitch McConnell counted his dollars,

Americans are dying in the shadows.


This is true, Americans are dying by the thousands, not only from the corona virus but in the shadows of make-shift homes under bridges, in the shadows of temporary parking-lot hospitals, and in the shadows of hospitals filled to capacity. 

 While Donald Trump fumbles,

 the empire crumbles. 

Americans have elected a group of officials who may look like humans and who may wear human clothes, but underneath an anti-human exists. They do not possess a human heart and a form of anti-humanitarian blood flows through their veins. They are a detriment to the United States democracy, and have developed a form of immorality that has not been seen in history for decades. 

Parents who truly love their children will not allow them to die from starvation while there are oranges on the trees, while there are grapes in the vineyards, while there are potatoes in the fields, and while there are tomatoes on the stalks, and cucumbers on the vines. And rest assured, parents will not allow their children to die from starvation while there is food in the grocery stores. The time is coming when rocks through picture windows will solve temporary hunger problems.  

Humans will throw law and order to the wind in order to survive. When citizens of any given nation realize that their government no longer cares about their well-bring, they will rebel against that government. The United States is such an example and America is just one step from total chaos. At the point of chaos, survival of the fittest becomes the law of the land. Never in my lifetime have I seen such anti-human elected officials, reject the basic aspects of human dignity. 

Donald Trump is all the negative adjectives wrapped up in the English language and then some. It is possible that Donald Trump is out to destroy the world. Even though that may be his intentions, he does not have the mental capacity to succeed.  He is however, a substantiated narcissists and he may believe that if he cannot be the King of the Universe, the universe does not deserve to exist. To say the least, Donald Trump is a dangerous man, and he and his enablers have inflicted more harm to American democracy than any other group in USA history. 

The Republicans know that this is the last stance for their party. In the past 2 decades they have lost the majority votes in the presidential elections. Never in the history of the USA has any group resorted to such unscrupulous illegal, undemocratic acts, to remain in power. The backbone of American democracy has been the peaceful transfer of power, and Donald Trump and Republicans have blown that to hell and back again. 

If American democracy survives this political battle it will be stronger than the decades following the Civil War. In order for a democracy to survive, citizens must understand that a democracy is not only worth fighting for, but the fight must be a daily battle.         

Sunday, December 6, 2020




I cannot enjoy the lemon-aide,

because I have tasted the sour lemons. 

I cannot smell the roses,

because I am entangled in the thorns. 

I cannot relax in the sunshine,

because I have experienced the hurricane. 

I cannot lie down in the waters,

because I am afraid of the sharks. 

I cannot forget the treatment,

because I have been mistreated.


***** BUT *****

There is one thing of which I am certain; the world has never witnessed a more perfect example of, “Nero fiddled while Rome burned,” than what is happening in the United Stated today. 

The people of the world know what it’s like living in a corrupt government. The people of the world understand the struggles of trying to get ahead in an oligarchy. The people of the world are concerned about Americans because, “You won’t miss your water ‘till your well runs dry.” 

One of the biggest surprises of my life is to witness adult man and women stand flat-footed, and without one once of remorse, tell one lie after another, all to protect the biggest liar in America’s history. 

It is one thing to be so selfish as to destroy the world’s greatest democracy, but it is something all together different, to destroy it for future generations. It is literally an act of stupidity to know that while you are destroying America, you are destroying yourself. It will be the children of tomorrow who will look back in history and realize what they have missed. From the ashes of American towers, will historians rise to tell the world the truth about America. 

Americans have turned Christianity into “Evilianity” and the billionaire evangelists and the millionaire preachers, who would rather preach hate than to live in a diverse nation, must understand that God will not build a firewall around them. They may get a taste of hell long before they get there, for when America burns they will burn with it. 

Donald Trump is not only the most corrupt president in the history of the USA, but he is the most corrupt person ever to live in the USA. He is not a builder, but a destroyer. No one person has ever done as much damage to America as Donald Trump. He is attempting to destroy America, and his enablers are assisting in the destruction. He will never go down easy. He now has two choices; he can either declare Marshall Law, or he can falsely accuse another nation of an invasion, and involve America in another conflict.  Rest assured Donald Trump is not finished with America. 

God have mercy on the nation of Americans, who would rather destroy the greatest democracy known to mankind, than to admit they made a mistake.     

While America burns Donald Trump is attempting to build a fire-proof wall around the West Wing of the White House for him and his outlaw family.



Wednesday, November 25, 2020




No matter how strong the educational system may be, if a large portion of society decides to “live in willful ignorance,” in time, the society I will be doomed. History has never provided a better example of “willful ignorance” than 73 million Americans voting for Donald Trump.  Trump is the best example the world has ever witnessed of a politician placing the emphasis upon himself instead of the people, but the ignorant sheep continue to follow the fake leader into the wolf’s den. 

The one thing Trump supporters should get through their thick skulls is, “Donald Trump doesn’t give a damn if Americas live or die.”  “Willful Ignorance” is devastation to American society, and has never been practiced greater than in the modern day Republican Party.  When citizens are too ignorant to follow common, good health procedures or recommendations from doctors or scientists, then in all reality, they do no deserve the right to live. But they put the lives of others at risk, and valuable tax-payer dollars are used to take care of their ignorance. 

The ignorance of Republicans has destroyed worldwide opinion of America. It makes no difference what happens with the so-called “union of the parties,” America will never regain the respect of the world until the Republican Party is eradicated from the United States political system. This is not just my opinion but the opinion of many high-level democratic strategists, many who were at one time Republicans. 

The next few years will bring about the “last stance” for White Power. The Republicans, who represent White Power and the Confederacy, know this, and they are using every unscrupulous means possible to stay in power. The majority of Americans are moving towards the “great diversity,” and if accepted, this will be the salvation of the democratic process.   

 Very few times in history have the political sector and the religious sector combined to promote one individual to the position of authoritative leadership.  This has happened in America and America is in great danger even though the executive and one half of the legislative branches are controlled by the Democratic Party. The fact remains, the brainwashed, mind-set of the Republicans has not changed. 

In agreeing to live with “Willful Ignorance” members of the Trump Cult have also agreed to be “willful liars,” “willful cheaters,” and “willful bigots.”  Religious leaders, who are on the Trump Train, have convinced Trump followers that it is okay to be a liar, a cheater, and a bigot, in order to protect the Cult Leader. A religious leader such as Kenneth Copeland, or a political leader such as Rudy Giuliani, should be in a mental institution. They represent the betrayal of the democratic government and are leading people to have doubts about America’s voting process.  

In all aspects of society when the emphasis is changed from one individual and placed on the people, great and good things happen.  Candidates, when running for office, make hundreds of promises that will benefit the citizens, but after being elected the emphasis changes from the citizens to the elected official. Citizens knowing this, agree to live with it. This is living with “Willful Ignorance.” 

On this Thanksgiving Day I am thankful for “Common Sense.” I have said this before, I know a liar when I hear one, and I know a con-artist when I see one. The easiest psychological examination for “Common Sense Americans,” is to determine the stupidity of Donald Trump. He is the sorriest excuse for a human of any one who has been honored with the title. He is a disgrace to the human race, and he has the mental capacity of a fourth or fifth grader. His behavior is that of an elementary playground bully. He is a spoiled-brat bully who was born with a “golden spoon” in his mouth but did not have the intelligence to use it correctly. The best medicine for a bully is a good, old-fashion, fist beating. But sense this is inappropriate for a president, the voters gave Donald Trump a through political beating at the polls on November 3, 2020.


 * (Credit is given to Whoopi Goldburg, of The View. To my knowledge, she was the first to use the words, “Willful Ignorance.”) 






20/20 PLEDGE 

The reader of this book is presented with a slight challenge. The unique feature is the author uses very few tags; therefore the reader must become acquainted with the characters. Once the characters are recognized it is easy to determine who is speaking. The main content of the book however, are the conversations of high school boys in the locker room shower. 

Hawk----- the farm boy who is bused to the city school. His father is a veteran who fought in the Iraq War. He is a strict disciplinarian and is greatly concerned about the macho imagine of his son. 

Bennie---- is the tall good-looking student, who is the leader of Shower Club and is the originator of the pledge.  

Butch----- the student stud, who is always looking for the next female he can conquer, so he can carve another notch on his bed post. 

Sherman--- the devout Christian student who always takes the conservative side of all issues. 

Kellin----is the student basketball player, who becomes Hawk’s best friend. 

Matt----is another member of the group who likes to brag about his experiences with the opposite sex. He will agree with anything the liberal group says.

Reggie---- an African American basketball player, also known as a stud in the black community. 

Zero----is the Latino student who doesn’t like anything about America.  He doesn’t like the school and definitely doesn’t like White Boys.  He is stuck in America because, America is the only place his father can find employment. 

Coach Watson -----his famous words, “Hurry up and get out of that shower; you don’t want to be late for your next period class.” He does however, through out his tenure as a coach, drop a few tidbits of genius insights that he observed along the way.   

(I am seeking professional assistance in marketing this book.)

(This book has potential, but I need someone who is a professional in marketing. If you are a literary agent or if you are friends with an  agent, tell them about this book?)


Tuesday, November 24, 2020





   I have said many times the success of any story is the ability of the storyteller.  Therefore, I have rewritten the book and returned to the original title SHOWER TALK 20/20 PLEDGE.  I have also retained the premise that the book is 95% dialogue with the use of very few boring tags. In order for this unique feature to be accomplished, the reader must become familiar with the 9 main characters, after which their characteristics will allow identification. 

   The book is a series of conversations of high school boys in the shower after PE Class.  In order to retain a high reader interest some of the shower conversations involve conceited talk about the size of family jewels and bragging about their sexual exploitation with the opposite sex. Also, because boys will be boys, they participate in homophobic gestures that relieve tensions of naked bodies in a group shower. 

   Even within foolish boy talk, it is evident that these boys have a keen interest in improving social conditions. Their discussions of modern social and political issues prove their intellectual achievements are above their average age group. Several of the boys form a tight nit relation and decide to form a Shower Club with the objective that “actions speak louder than words.” 

   The coach listens to some of the conversations and is impressed. He realizes this is a special group of teenagers and their objectives could be achieved. He asks the principle if the schedules of the boys could be arranged so they could continue having gym class together in upper grades. The principle agreed. 

   The book develops a new dimension of diversity when a minority student enters the gym class.  An African American basketball player is added to the group. The shower conversations provide an insight into the economic conditions in the black community. 

   When a Latino student enrolls in the school and is assigned 5th period gym, the anger of a minority student is revealed. He has a deep hatred for White America and is trapped in the USA because it is the only place his father can find employment. 

   The main character is a gay boy who has a homophobic father, who is a veteran of the Iraq War. He is overwhelmed with hatred and rules his son with an iron fist, constantly preaching about American queers. 

   Two of the boys develop an attraction for each other and attend the Senior Prom as a couple. The Senior Prom has a tragic ending brought on by the anti-gay father of one of the boys. 


   (When a reader realizes the material he is reading was written by a novice, the reader suddenly becomes a professional critic. This is true in all forms of art; paintings; original music, sculptures; acting, and designing. But when professionalism is already established, the originator has freedoms not allowed to the novice. There is a long hard road between the novice and the declared professional, and only a very few make it to the end.) 

I wish I could tell you the ending of this story, but to realize the detailed description you will have to read the book. This book is an exciting read through out------but the dramatic ending is the most exciting part.

(This book will be published on January of 2021.)









Monday, November 23, 2020

# 2--- SHOWER TALK ----20/20 PLEDGE

                                #2--- SHOWER TALK---- 20/20 PLEDGE 

I am seeking help from a Literary Agent who is willing to offer professional guidance for a book that has potential. The book is entitled, SHOWER TALK—THE 20/20 PLEDGE. 

The book is divided into four parts; 9th 10th 11th and 12th Grades. The book is 95% dialogue, with conversations of boys in the shower after PE class. Some of the conversations are a little vulgar, and sexually driven, but most are constructive, dealing with modern political and social issues. 

Student diversity is added when an African American and Latino American boys are assigned to the PE Class.  The boys decide to form a Shower Club with the main objective, “actions speak louder than words.” Membership in the club requires taking a pledge which in the beginning is called “the penis pledge.” It sounds vulgar but it is not. 

Two of the boys are gay and develop strong attractions for each other. The father of one of the boys is a White Supremacist, anti-gay, war veteran. The two boys decide to go the Senior Prom as a couple.  The anti-gay father brings a tragic ending to the prom. At the senior graduation of 2020, an inspirational valediction speech brings a dramatic ending to the story. 

My name is Dervis Clement Tippen and I am an 82 years old retired school teacher living in Thailand. I have written and published 6 novels and 23 short stories with I have a writer’s blog ( that has been read by a few thousand people in 65 different English speaking countries. 

This book has potential and professional help could be rewarding. Any individual interested in providing professional guidance in the publication is invited to contact Dervis Clement Tippen @ e/mail  or leave a comment @


Sunday, November 22, 2020




(Assistance requested) 

I have written a book entitled, SHOWER TALK—THE 20/20 PLEDGE, which was five years in the making. It has been written and rewritten; chapters added and chapters deleted; proof read and reread. I have not published the book because I am hoping to receive some professional help in publication. I have read enough books in my life to know that this book is a 7 or 8 on a scale of 10. I have mailed a few query letters to literary agents with no direct response. I have written enough novels and short stories to know that the success of any book requires professional backing. 

The book starts with the conversation of high school boys in a locker room shower. From there the book takes on a story of its own, which is a “human interest story.” One of the boys in the “shower group” is gay, and the books centers around the verbal and physical abuse he endures at the hands of his anti-gay father. 

The story continues with these boys through out their high school years. They form a Shower Club with the objective of making their school and community a better place. It starts with the school years of 2016-17 and ends up with the graduating class of 2020. The book has an unusual tragic ending. 

I know this is a gamble, but you never know until you try. If by chance a literary agent or some one, who knows a literary agent, might read this and be inclined to provide professional help, it would be greatly appreciated. This book has great potential, but as a novice writer I need professional guidance to help expose the book to the right audience. Anyone interested can contact me with the email address ---



Saturday, November 14, 2020




The great phenomenon that the modern world has witnessed is how a nation with more institutions of learning than any other nation on the planet can develop a population of people who are so easily brainwashed. For decades it was religious brainwashing, a form of indoctrination. Only in recent years has political brainwashing become a major problem. Today, brainwashing has turned into both religious and political cults. 

One of the most well known religious cults was Jonestown, Guyana. The   cult leader was an American preacher and self-professed faith healer named Jim Jones. He demanded that his followers commit mass suicide by drinking a poisonous cool-aid. The devastating fact about this mass suicide was that parents gave the poison to their children. The worst parents in the world are those who will murder their children at the command of a cult leader. 

Another religious cult leader was David Koresh. The Branch Davidians  headquarters was in Waco, Texas. David Koresh was a preacher and a mind-control religious fanatic. Before the compound was destroyed children were given the opportunity to leave, but parents refused, knowing that by remaining it meant death. 76 adults including 20 children died when the FBI destroyed the compound. It is a selfish act of any parent to deny children the right to live. It is even more selfish for a leader, knowing he controls the minds of his followers, to deny them the opportunity to live. Living is always more important than dying.  

Warren Steed Jeffs is the president of The Fundamentalist Church of Christ of Latter-Day Saints known as FLDS.  To his followers he is the prophet even though he is serving life in prison convicted of two felony accounts of child sexual assault.  Nevertheless, he still has thousands of brainwashed indoctrinated followers. 

The Church of Scientology is the largest of all the religious cults with ten of thousands of followers. No matter how much proof of evil misdeeds is presented by Leah Remini and Mike Rinder in the TV production, “Scientology and The Aftermath,” it has no affect on the remaining remembers. Leah and Mike have interviewed dozens of individuals who were once Scientology Church members and they have   provided proof that the church is destroying families. Plus, they have documented evidence of beatings by David Miscavige, who is now the head of the church. They have also provided reports of individuals who were involved in cover-ups of adult involvement in sexual abuse of children. They have openly read church by-laws that were written by L. Ron Hubbard, where he said that it is okay for church members to become liars to protect the integrity of the cult and its leaders. 

For decades parents have tried everything possible to convince their children and other love ones to abandon religious cults but with very little success. It is tragic that a religious or a political leader can control the minds of individuals and in many cases are able to convince followers to lie to protect the cult. 

This brings us to the all important Republican Party Political Cult controlled by Donald Trump. Many Americans have become liars to protect Donald Trump and the character of these individuals cannot be white-washed or merely swept under the rug. It is going to take a great deal of work and much professionalism to reprogram these brainwashed cult members back into the mainstream of American society. 

The Republican Party is the largest political cult known to mankind.   America is faced with many problems but none greater than the fact that over 71 million Americans voted for Donald Trump and this speaks volumes about Americans.  And within those volumes there is very little good and much corruption. The reason Donald Trump is so popular is because most of his followers are just like him and the others want to be like him. He is a wannabe dictator with mind control indoctrination over those who have lost the value of a democracy. 

There has never been another nation on the planet that was so quick to throw religious principles under the bus. The full extent of this is yet to be measured and the influence will last for decades. Because the truth means nothing to Trump supporters, the vast majority of these   followers will erroneously hypnotize mainstream induction, but when the opportunity arises they will turn on a dime and revert back to the Trump Cult. This is a fact that should alarm every American who is a believer in democracy. 

When a member of the Republican Party is banging on the window of a public building where votes are being counted and shouts, “Stop the counting,” this individual is actually saying, “Stop democracy.” When an individual is marching in the streets carrying a Trump flag and yells, “Voting is a fraud,” he is actually saying, “Democracy is a fraud.” They are denying the basic principle of a democracy. These individuals are seriously indoctrinated and if Americans do not admit it, a big mistake will be made. 

It is a serious offence when citizens refuse to hold a leader accountable for not confronting the Russian dictator about placing bounties on the heads of American service men and women. It is a serious offence when citizens refuse to hold a leader accountable for dis-respectable remarks and acts against women. It is a serious offence when citizens refuse to   repudiate a leader for making fun of or mocking a disabled reporter. It is a serious offence when citizens refuse to reject a leader who has taken babies from the arms of mothers and put them in dog cages. 

Indoctrination may be the straw that broke the camel’s back and destroyed the world’s greatest democracy. Although, it is unbelievable that the majority of Americans will allow this to happen, but the influence the Trump administration has had on elected officials is mind blowing. It would have never been imagined in a thousand years that American men and women would be so weak as to be controlled by a fool, and refuse to stand up for the basic rights of mankind.


Tuesday, November 10, 2020




Yes, it is celebration time in the USA, and it should not rain on the millions of Americans and others around the world, who are celebrating the defeat of the biggest threat to US Democracy since the Civil War. 

I want to thank the “International Readers” who are regulars on the Writer’s Blog, “” You have stayed with me through   my tirade of political Op. Ed’s., and for that I am thankful. This proves that people from around globe are interested in what happens in America. It also proves that America’s light-house of freedom should not be dimmed because people from around the world look to the United States as a beacon of hope. The citizens of the world recognize what free people have accomplished, and they hope those accomplishments have not ended. I want to commit to those readers that I will continue to write the truth regardless of the consequences. 

Over a period of years, I have had to defend my character from the Trump supporters who have tried to bring me down. I have received death threats from members of my own family, and even though I have been concerned, I have never been afraid. I know cowards when I learn of them, just like I know a liar when I hear one, and I know a con-artist when I see one.  

I have written many times about the failures of the American Evangelical Churches. It is a catastrophe failure to forsake the morals of Christianity to follow the most corrupt president in the history of the USA. I have said it before and I will say it again, Donald Trump is a liar, a cheater, and a fraud. After the results of the recent election, it is hoped that the majority of the evangelical church members will join the “Progressive Movement” and kick to the curb those preachers who are still supporting Donald Trump and preaching, homophobic fears, racial injustice, and inequality for women. 

The great “American Divide” can be solved by the acceptance of the “Great American Diversity.” But until all men recognize what it is like to walk a mile in a black man’s shoes, the great divide will continue. Until Americans can feel the love in the hearts of hard-working Latinos who merely want to provide a better life for their children, the divide will only widen. Until all Americans stop the homophobic slurs hailed at Lesbian women and gay men, America will never reach the full potential of a democracy conceived in the dreams of our forefathers.   

I am ashamed of the members of my family who have not read enough to know the evils that surrounded the Confederacy. Not only was the Confederacy a thing of evil but it is now a thing of the past. White Power has only been revived by a White Supremacist in the White House, and even though his days are numbered, it does not alleviate the fact that hate crimes increased over 400 % during the Donald Trump administration. I am ashamed of the Americans who still support a president who is more evil than the devil himself. 

I have said many times that those who are not willing to move forward, will become statues that the world will leave behind. If a few of the Southern States want to be left behind, it is now the choice of the residents. There is one thing for certain, the world will move forward and in the end, statues that represent the past will be destroyed. 

Last but not least, I have written about my homosexuality and the support of readers has been colossal. I will never forget the day when I walked out of the closet and announced to the world that I am a proud gay man. Words cannot express the warmth of sunshine that appeared and the load of bricks that disappeared from my shoulders. Now I am as happy as “a lark in the sunshine,” “a pig in the mud puddle,” or a gay man in a transsexual society.  I have written about a wonderful retirement in Thailand and what it is like to walk proudly with my head held high knowing that for the first time in my life I am a first class citizen.  

But through all of those things, I can’t help but wonder what it will be like for the people of the world to wake up and not have to ask the question, “What did the fool do today?”


Sunday, November 8, 2020




Even though we can forgive we must not forget that Republicans gave America a good lesson in dirty politics and corrupt government. As important as it is for the citizens of the United States to come together, it is also important the way “togetherness” is accomplished. Forgiveness is only successful when there is a purification of the hearts of evil men and women. If during the Biden administration the sins of the Republican Party are merely white-washed in order to bring about a so-called “peaceful union,” the political problems will not be solved but merely covered up. 

The members of the Democratic Party need to realize that merely electing a Democrat President and Vice President is far from solving the internal problems that are eating away at the heart of American democracy.  Political sins reap negative benefits for citizens. Good democratic-loving Americans must demand honesty from all elected officials, regardless of party. If we fail, we are merely kicking the can of political corruption a little farther down the road. If the evils within the political system are not eradicated, it is only a matter of time until the same situations will reappear.  Make no doubt about it, a younger and smarter Donald Trump is waiting in the wings. Mario Rubio and Ted Cruz are just as crooked as Donald Trump and when the opportunity arises they will follow in his footsteps. 

The presidential election of 2020 should not have even been close. The fact that at least 45% of Americans voted for Donald Trump is the most depressing moral issue that has ever occurred in American history.  After four years of Donald Trump, Americans knew who they were voting for.  Donald Trump is the most immoral character ever to set foot in the White House, but yet, Americans were quick to endorse him.  American evangelicals were quick to forsake the morals of the Christian faith, to be brain-washed by a liar, a cheater, a racist, and a con-artist. Evangelical preachers quickly endorsed the devil as if the morals of evangelical Christianity meant nothing. Donald Trump is a cancer that has metastasized into every aspect of American society. 

The Republican Party is filled with evil men and women and the attempt to deny it, is only deepening the problem. They have done nothing but pad the Supreme Court with justices that will add to the turmoil of an already turbulent society. They will continue to use bigotry, injustice, and racism, to achieve their goals. They will endure the turbulence of minorities in order to confirm White Power. Republicans need to openly admit that they would rather destroy America’s democratic process than give up "White Power Control.” 

The American white race is a spoiled race.  They think because they are Americans, and because they are white, they are BETTER than others. This has been and continues to be the major problem for White America. From the Jamestown Colony to the present, White Power has been the controlling governmental power, and as a result, the United States has suffered severe consequences. Many Americans have yet to realize they have been brain-washed by an authoritative dictator.  50% of Americans are still supporting a president, who is calling a “Stop to the Voting.”  Furthermore, he has called the voting process a “fraud.” He is denying the basic concept of a democracy and many Americans are following. 

From the very beginning American Christianity has been a shallow religion. The Christian religion does not have deep roots in the lives of most evangelicals. As quick as Moses went upon the mountain to receive the Ten Commandments and returned to find his people worshiping the Golden Calf, just that quick Jesus found his followers worshiping the Orange-Faced Spinster. The only way Christianity is going to return as a dominating force in the lives of Americans is that bigotry and prejudice be removed from the accepted Christian principles. 

***** Op. Ed. Published October 10, 2020 ***** 

In the end Donald Trump will be left friendless, standing character naked, before the bar of justice.

Sunday, October 25, 2020




I was raised in a society that equated homosexuality with the worst of all sins. Naturally, that presented major problems for a homosexual teenager. It was important that I present myself as a normal kid. Therefore, in regards to my homosexuality, I had to, hide it, deny it, reject it, fight it, closet it, condemn it, control it, alter it, and most of all, fear it. Fear became my Cult Leader, because what I feared was fear itself. I feared being made fun of as a teenager. I feared being rejected by my friends. I feared the embarrassment it would bring to my family. As an adult, I feared being fired from the job I loved.  I feared loosing the years I spent in preparation for public school teaching. I feared loosing customers in my retail establishment. I feared being kicked out of my church. All I had; I feared. 

Even though I spent too many years living in the closet, I always knew it was not right for me. However, at the time, my mind-set told me it was the road to least resistance. It is terrible to recall how the lack of courage prevented me from standing up for the homosexual that I am, and for other homosexuals around the world. Nevertheless, in my retirement, I plan to make up for the time lost. 

I will never forget the day when I decided to tear down the walls of the closet, burst open the door of restriction, open the windows of freedom, and shout to the world, “I am a free man.”  No more pretense, no more secrets, no more guilt in sexual expressions, and no more fear in demonstrating love. Freedom is my master and free is what I will always be.  

Now, I wish I could be the Moses of all the oppressed homosexuals in the world, and lead them out of the dark, shadows of the closet and into the bright, sunshine of freedom. However, I understand the social bars that limit freedoms for homosexuals, for I also have encountered being captured in the prison of fear. I can only pray for the day when all homosexuals will have the courage to say to the world, “I am who I am,” and regardless of the consequences, I will live my life as a free person. 

There is not an out-of-the-closet homosexual American who has not experienced prejudice accompanied with discrimination. We have grown accustomed to being called degrading slur words used by a straight society. We have learned to live with fear because we never know what awaits us around the next corner. We never know when a redneck’s baseball bat is going to find a home against our skull. We never know when a fellow employee is going to expose our sexuality in an attempt to get us fired. We never know when someone is going to accuse us of some false sexual activity that will ruin our reputation.  We never know when we are going to return home and find a note on our door that demands we move, because gays are no longer welcome in the housing project or the apartment complex. 

Even though we live with fear, we have allowed fear to become our teacher, and we learn from what we fear the most. Even in fear, the Pope announced equality for all homosexuals. This will go down in history as one of the most important endorsements the world has ever encountered regarding the rights of minorities. 

Although this changes the subject somewhat, this is a required discussion.  It would be well for Amy Coney Barrett to know that homosexuality is not a preference. Ignorance astounds me for it is hard to believe that Republicans are going to appoint a Supreme Court Justice to a lifetime position with such limited knowledge. It is even more surprising that in the 21st Century how little a so-called educated person knows about homosexuality. If homosexuality was a choice no person in their right mind would choose to be something that carries so many negative characteristics in a heterosexual dominated society. 

Like so many other human characteristics, sexuality is established at conception. It causes one to wonder how any individual could obtain even a four year college degree without acquiring that knowledge. This is further proof that ignorance within governmental officials causes social turbulence. Understanding minorities is required for any government in order to establish peace, and when laws are passed that discriminate social unrest occurs. These are hard lessons that American governmental officials have failed to learn, and as a result, have placed the entire United States, as a nation, in jeopardy.  

In conclusion, of all the fears that existed in my previous life, what I am now, I owe to being homosexual. I have found happiness and I have found love. I am surrounded by good friends and I am enjoying a retirement that at one time I thought was impossible.  What time I have left on this earth I dedicate to being a witness of encouragement to other homosexuals to be proud of whom they are. To a gay, man, women, boy or girl; you are a child of God and God made you the way you are for a purpose. When you fulfill that purpose happiness will flow like a mighty stream and joy will flood like a prodigious river.   


Wednesday, October 21, 2020




I am an eighty-two year old retired American, and I am totally disgusted with Americans who stand flat-footed with a straight face, and lie to protect the LIAR in the White House. Lying has become an acceptable American characteristic during the Donald Trump administration.  Everyday I watch Senators, Congress men and women, preachers, White House staffers, and leaders of the Republican Party, lie to protect the most corrupt individual ever to set foot in the White House. 

Donald Trump has learned nothing about what it means to be a man.  He has always been a spoiled brat, who got his way about everything. Therefore, he has had no reason to learn the characteristics of real manhood. Nothing in the history of the United States has been more damning than what Donald Trump has done to America. Even if America survives Donald Trump, it will take decades to correct the damage he has done to America’s youth. 

American classrooms are experiencing chaotic conditions because America’s youth are confused.  They recognize the hypocrisy in adults and they know their future is being jeopardized.  Children have watched parents become liars in order to remain loyal members of the Republican Party.  Children of liars, will at some point, rebel and their rebellion will destroy family ties.  

A message to members of my family who are Donald Trump supporters; you have been conned! Even though it has been by one of the world’s greatest con-artist, nevertheless, you have been conned. The sooner you face the facts the better off you will be.  If you do not face the truth, you will suffer severe consequences from your off-springs.  You have damaged the future of your children and your grandchildren but yet, it may not be too late to repair the damage. 

Even though millions have already voted the salvation of America’s democracy remains in the hands of the voters. Americans who believe in the democratic process must take nothing for granted and make sure they vote. To purify America’s political system, the Republican Party must be demolished.  And I don’t mean just defeated, I mean completely destroyed from the ground-roots foundation. The party of liars must be removed from America’s political system. If America is going to survive, White Power must be destroyed, and the strong voice of Americans is the only way it can happen absent a Civil War. 

If it occurs ----- and it is yet to be determined ---- that a White Supremacists fool destroyed the greatest nation known to mankind ----- it will be recorded as the biggest mistake in all of world history. 

Of all the evil characteristics portrayed by Donald Trump there is one I have difficulty forgiving. Plus, I have trouble forgiving members of my family and other Donald Trump supporters in continuing to uphold a Commander-In-Chief who has allowed the Russian dictator to place bounties on the heads of American service men and women. He has refused to say one word to challenge the actions of this dictator. I must confess, I have great difficulty in forgiving this and I am prepared to stand before the judgment bar of God and defend my position.


Monday, October 12, 2020




To members of my family and friends, I beg you to read at least a few of the following statements. There have been dozens of books written about Donald Trump and all of them relate thousands of deceitful ways Trump used to reach the top.  Two of my favorites are TOO MUCH AND NEVER ENOUGH by Mary Trump, and DISLOYAL by Michael Cohen. 

Even though it is hard to believe, credence must be given to Michael Cohen and Mary Trump as they describe in detail the deceits that Donald Trump used to cheat his way to the top. The distortions used to refuse payments to smaller contractors for work completed for the Trump Organization, initiated by Cohen on behalf of Donald Trump, supersedes the imagination of any writer. Donald Trump is the most cold-hearted individual ever to be called a human. The evil mind of Trump surpasses the evil perpetrated by the devil himself. His niece, Mary Trump, explained in her book how the Trump family created the world’s most dangerous man. 

When and if, the truth is ever revealed about Donald Trump, it will shock the world.  History will record Trump as the “king of fools,” but it has stunned the world how the king of fools became the “Cult Leader” of thousands of so-called intelligent people. It is hoped that the king of fools will one day be held accountable and the truth will be exposed; when you cheat your way to the top, the top will cheat on you. 

As Michael Cohen rightfully said, “in essence Donald Trump has no friends. All those enablers are “hangers-on” to benefit themselves, even Vladimir Putin, but loyalty to Trump means the willingness to do things that you know to be wrong and that are harming others.”  Already the rats, who became liars to keep the LIAR in power, are abandoning the sinking ship. In the end Donald Trump will be left friendless, standing character naked, before the bar of justice. 

As to the evangelical preachers who laid hands on Donald Trump, and prayed, Michael Cohen, who was present at the time, records how Donald Trump laughed and called them stupid after they left his office. Evangelicals who have chosen to go to bed with the devil in order to get----- Supreme Court Justices----the repeal of Roe v. Wade------the removal of the Marriage Equality Act ----- and the Affordable Care Act declared unconstitutional --- in the end will have gained nothing but destroyed Christianity. 

Since the year 2015 evangelical churches have lost thousands of members, especially young Americans. Teenagers are smart enough to know that American Christians have turned the “Amen Corner” into “Hate-Men Corners,” and the deceit has openly revealed the hypocrisy.  The preachers who lied to their congregations about Donald Trump need to steal as much money as they can from the “collection plate” because soon they will be unemployed. Americans are becoming smart to this so-called “Prosperity Christianity.”  The only prosperity that has occurred is for the millionaire preachers and billionaire TV evangelists. 

If Americans really want peace they will enforce sever penalties for white policeman who murder African American men. But Republicans are once again setting America back another fifty years by stacking illegal justices on the Supreme Court. To place another justice on the court that will repeal Roe v. Wade is inviting turmoil. White men should have no jurisdiction over the body of women. Once again the Republican Party is initiating chaos in placing another justice on the court that will overturn the Marriage Equality Act. There are thousands of happily married same-sex couples, who are causing no problems, and are productive community citizens. Yet, the government is going to step in and create turmoil. It has never been the responsibility of government to dictate to consenting adults who they can marry. For over two hundred years American government and citizens have not been happy unless they are involved in a war abroad or creating domestic turmoil.   

All the acts of the Republican Party are to initiate more problems for American citizens. It is stupid to believe that happiness can be accomplished during times of disorder. Americans have been born in confusion and will die in confusion. White Americans have been born in bigotry and will die as bigots, never realizing that peace negotiates happiness. Without equal justice there will never be peace. 

However, there is some light at the end of this tunnel. There are many examples of African American Women saving American democracy. Now it is possible that African American Churches may save Christianity.  It is only an act of divinity that the oppressed will save their oppressors.    

How may lies can a liar lie, until the lies of a liar are called lies?

Thursday, October 8, 2020




I want to make one thing perfectly clear, I strongly believe in a democracy. My belief is not solely based upon being born in America, but I have studied all forms of governments and with knowledge concluded that democracy is the best form of governing for the people. Democracy respects the civil rights of all people, and as a form of government a democracy does not discriminate. 

American democracy was established on the premise of White Power. It has been an experiment in Representative Democracy. The American version of a democracy by definition has been a complete failure. It has failed because the United States territory was gained by the genocide of the original occupants. It has failed because from the very beginning the policy of discrimination was not written in documents but was practiced in reality. It has failed because the written laws guaranteed freedom of religion, but in reality only the Christian religion was recognized. It failed because it discriminated against women. It failed because no where in an actual definition of a democracy is a form of government that recognizes the legalization of human slavery. 

White Power has built into American culture the supremacy of white men. This policy creates division and conflict. Since the days of the Civil War this culture has been kept under raps until a White Supremacists was elected to lead the Executive Branch of American government.  When a group of citizens, who call themselves a political party, have experienced the freedoms of a democracy, but yet allow themselves to be brainwashed by an authoritarian dictator, little can be said about independent thinking and the manhood of representatives is destroyed.  

When adults are so ignorant not to wear a simple mask to protect themselves and the health of their children, they are too ignorant to be classified as members of the human race.  When parents who say they love their children, but bring them to a rally of hundreds of unmasked people, it is no longer an example of love, but an example of severe political brainwashing. 

The same is true with religious brainwashing. There have been numerous examples of evangelicals who have refused to give their children proper medical attention, and have gone so far as to allow their children to die, from a disease that could have been medically cured. This is not an example of love, but another example of severe religious brainwashing. 

Even though it is sad to say, but the truth is that some members of my family and other so-called friends, will enter the voting booth and pull the lever in support of the Republican Party. In so doing, they know by reelecting Donald Trump they are bringing the end to America’s democratic government. They also know that a vote for Donald Trump is a vote against the future of their children and grandchildren, yet they will cast the vote, because Donald Trump has complete control of their brain. They know the Republican Party is an all white party, and even though they have some minority friends, they are willing to throw them under the bus in support of a dictator. There are many gay individuals who will vote republican knowing that the Republican Party would hang them from the nearest tree if given the opportunity.   

When one man has caused as many evils to a democracy as Moscow Mitch and still hundreds of voters will vote for him, it is a classic example that man may not be capable of governing himself.  Greed and power dominate all governments but a democracy has built in safeguards by the vote of the people, but that is only true when the citizens become informed voters. 

The failure of citizens to recognize that attacks from foreign governments do not always come in the form of military invasions, but in the modern era, can come in the form of brainwashing techniques in social media.  Conspiracy theories have become useful tools by foreign governments to overthrow American democracy, and yet Americans are eating it up hook, line, and sinker. There are many Americans who do not realize that democracies are on decline around the world, and it is apparent that American democracy may join that decline.

Our forefathers knew that freedom of the press is the most powerful tool in preventing power-hungry dictators from gaining control over government. When a governmental official begins an assault on the press, red lights flash danger in all directions.  It is only a fool who will attempt to destroy a government of, for, and by, the people, in order to satisfy his own lust for power. When a fool leads a fool, they fall off the cliff together.  

America’s democracy is under attack because a man of color was elected as the President of the United States. The White Power Party is leading the attack. White men are determined not to loose the governing power of America. Their methods of keeping control are demeaning. It is a sad state of affairs that those methods include lying, cheating, and voter suppression; declaring mail-in votes a fraud, destroying the Christianity within the evangelical church, encouraging evangelical preachers to deliberately mislead parishioners, and by allowing Republican leaders to use other unscrupulous methods to stay in power. 

This is an insult to democracy and to all the men and women who sacrificed their lives to protect individual freedoms, but the disgrace rests upon the shoulders of those who are enabling this to happen.  Hitler had his enablers, and Donald Trump is following close in his footsteps, and the biggest surprise the modern world has experienced is the number of Americans who have sold their souls to the devil to become Trump enablers.