Wednesday, April 15, 2015



   In recent days and months several professional gay athletes have stepped out of the closet and into the world of being themselves. The testimonies from each of these courageous men have been nothing less than miraculous. They have all admitted that since they “came out,” their accomplishments have reached unbelievable heights, and this is good news for America. Despite all the hate and bigotry, it is nothing less than a miracle that these athletes have made the life changing move. God works in mysterious ways, even in the gay community, and as the result of the actions taken by these professionals, several young high school athletes have made the move of “coming out.” Americans should offer praise to these young students who have found the value of truth in being themselves. 

    Americans should be proud because once again, as a country, we    have proved to the world that we are a great people. Millions voiced opposition to Indiana’s so-called Religious Freedom Law and Arkansas’ House Bill #1228. These laws would have allowed businesses to openly discriminate against any person they considered to be lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.  It has been a great day for America because the majority of Americans were able to look back and see the evils that were caused by bigotry and prejudice, and declared to the world that we have no intentions of returning to those days. 

   What happens to gays in America is very important to gays around the world. They are looking to America to provide the leadership whereby they can escape the torture of corrupt governments. We must never forget that thousands are still being beaten, hanged, and murdered for no other reason than being gay, and we must never allow the voices of bigotry and prejudice to be louder than the voices of truth.

   So many times in the past America has been the light at the end of the tunnel, and today is a day that Americans should celebrate. Because we spoke out in such large numbers, changes were made in both of the so-called Religious Freedom Acts that prevents discrimination, and this is good news for America.

   Social change has been slow and difficult, but many accomplishments have been made. We are in no way saying that the battle has been won, but we are saying that the early years of the 21st century have opened doors for gays that have been closed for decades. For this we say, “Thank you, Americans.”










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