Monday, August 17, 2015

WRONG AGAIN! Aug. 18, 2015


    On June 26, 2015 the Supreme Court declared same-sex marriage legal in the United States.  For some it is still a great surprise that the sun came up today and has risen over 50 times since that historic ruling.  So far the world has not ended as was predicted by many preachers and political leaders, therefore, there is only one thing to say to these forecasters of doom—WRONG AGAIN! As of Sunday, the doors to all Christian churches were open with the exception of those black churches that have been burned, not by same-sex couples, but by radical redneck conservatives, a group of individuals who claim to have received a   special commission from God to restore White Supremacy.

   Of all the rhetoric that was expounded in the First Presidential Debate not one mention was made concerning the burning of black churches.  But same-sex marriage was described several times as the evil that is destroying the Christian Church.  America is in a sad state of affairs when a group of presidential hopefuls are not capable of recognizing the real problems. We now have living proof that same-sex marriage has not caused any of the so-called evils that were predicted by preachers and political leaders. Wrong; wrong; wrong! How many times must WRONG enter the ears of people before it is recognized as WRONG?

   America is a country—if I may be allowed to use a little common sense language—that has become a shining example to the world of having the cart before the horse and trying to direct the cart from the tail end of the horse going in the WRONG direction.







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