Saturday, April 11, 2020



I have asked myself the question at least a hundred times why I cannot live the rest of my life outside the United States and let go of the political situation inside America. The only answer I know is I have a genuine interest in America’s future.  I believe the future generations of Americans have the right to live in a free democratic society. They have the right to the freedoms that were established by our forefathers, and the freedoms that millions of men and women have given their lives to protect.

I have a great concern for the millions of African Americans and Latino Americans who have endured years of injustices at the hands of white Americans. I shiver when I am confronted with the fact that I am a product of Southern White America. I am awakened in the middle of the night with the sounds of cracking whips. I hear the cries of African American boys who were castrated by groups of angry white men. I see visions of African American families being burned alive in their homes by mobs of vigilante whites. I have read the atrocious acts of Southern white plantation owners perpetrated on human slaves. I am reminded of the White Southern women who closed their doors and their ears to the cries of African American women who were raped, beaten, and separated from their children.  And now I see that same kind of women surround Donald Trump and support his evil deeds. I see a white American woman as she looks the world in the eyes through a TV camera with the words, “Donald Trump has never told a lie in his entire life.” America may survive the virus, but there are doubts that America will survive the blinding process that has dimmed the eyes of millions to accept the corruption in America’s government.     

America’s gay community has suffered right along with millions of other minorities. They have been denied civil rights and have been chastised for their sexual orientation.  I also have a genuine concern for the future generations of LGBTQ individuals. They have the right to live without verbal harassment, without religious condemnation, without the fear of physical abuse, and without being treated as 2nd or 3rd class citizens.

America is experiencing the aftermath of hate. In order for America to ever live up to her creed, “that all men are created equal,” Americans must go through a purification process ---- a cleansing of the hearts and minds that starts with the pulpit and ends in Washington DC.  The world has not forgotten “The Trail of Tears,” neither “The Selma Bridge” nor “the evening of April 4, 1968 at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee.” Today, there are groups of dirty white men in the states of Alabama and Michigan, who are attempting, through the process of voter suppression, to return America to the days of White Supremacy. There are members of the Supreme Court who are not judging by the aspects of the law, but rather by political affiliation. On Tuesday, November 3, 2020, the future of America is in the hands of honest Americans who will fight the odds of Republican voter suppression and exercise the right to vote.     

It is disheartening to admit that there are members of my own family who not only believe the lies, but are worshiping the liar, Donald Trump. He is both a liar and a fake, and those are just a couple of the many degrading names I could use. It is a shame that Americans citizens have turned into pathetic examples of humanity, and have swallowed the Trump agenda, hook, line, and sinker.  They have become members of the Republican political cult; a cult that is doing more harm to America than any religious cult could ever dare to do. They have diminished the influence of American Christianity and removed America as the leader of the free world. 

I know a liar when I hear one, and I recognize a fake when I see one. I am not going to even take a sip from the poisonous cup of the Donald Trump cool-aid, but I am going to stand flat-footed and say to Trump supporters, your worship of the orange-faced spinnaker is as wrong as wrong can be.  You have brought America to the brink of collapse and now democracy is holding on by a mere thread. You are some of the most selfish people the world has ever known.  You have no concern about the kind of America you are leaving for your children and grandchildren. You are blinded by ignorance and have no desire to seek the truth. You are the worse generation of Americans.

A real human will admit to mistakes and will exhibit humility; otherwise he is not a human but rather a creature.                

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes un-spun truth is hard to swallow. America under Trump, his GOP cult, and sadly his U.S. Supreme court is racing backwards to ignorance, white supremacy, and ethical bankruptcy. Thank you Dervis for your intellectual honesty and courage. I stand with you!
