Thursday, February 4, 2021




(I realize that Republicans refuse to read one word that I write. I also have heard from some of my great nephews and nieces that they are not allowed to read any of my writings. This is disappointing; however, I realize that the present does not represent the future.) 

I was raised in the Bible Belt of a deep, Southern, state. There was never one word spoken to me by my father, a Sunday school teacher, or a public school teacher, concerning proper sexual relations. All I ever heard about sex came from the pulpit. Starting at a very young age I heard multiple sermons about homosexuality. Those sermons planted   vivid thoughts in my brain that a same-sex relationship was punishable by eternal, burning in hell. Now as an adult, I think back and it seems strange that I heard absolutely no sermons about pre-marital sex, multiple sexual experiences, rapist, lying, cheating, or adultery. Then as now, the evangelical church elevated homosexuality as the worse of all sins. 

When children are taught that wrong is right and right is wrong, disappointing things happen. The evangelical church is now reaping the harvest of sowing the seeds of evil. American Christianity has reached its lowest ebb. A fragile religion, turned on a dime, and allowed evil to become its leader. Presently, the church is still supporting a man who has had the greatest influence of evil, on American citizens, than any other individual in American history.  I do not bit my tongue when I name the man, Donald J. Trump. It is still a possibility that he is going to overthrow American democracy and set himself up as the dictator, and foolish Americans are going to allow it. 

The power struggle in America’s political system is driven by straight white men. They have a long history of disrespecting everyone but   themselves. Powerful white American men have for decade’s disrespected women, Native American Indians, African Americans, Latinos, and LGBTQ individuals.  It is unbelievable that many in those groups, who have been victims, continue to support the political party that leads in the disrespect.    

What Democrats must remember, it is impossible to compromise with the devil without dipping elbows in evil. There is only one way out of the mess that Republicans have caused Americans, and that is the complete overthrow of the present day Republican Party.    

Like millions of other gay Americans, I stepped outside of the United States in search of a better life, and I immediately found it.  I was fed up with being disrespected and being called all the “homophobic slur names” used by many straight Americans. I was tired of the physical abuse and being denied professional advancement because of doubts concerning homosexuality. 

Those who poured “hell fire and brimstone” down my throat as a child are now being challenged by a doctrine that was so weak that they immediately jumped in bed with the devil seeking success, but resulting in an evil that threatens to overthrow America’s democracy. The stupid thing about all of this is, if the overthrow is successful, they will be left without a country and without the freedom of choice in religion.  So go ahead and support a dictator and make yourself the perfect example of   “jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.” 


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