Sunday, February 1, 2015



    He walked like a man, he talked like a man, and he looked like a man, but he was not a man—he was a monster. This man repeatedly raped a woman, because he said she was his property, and he could do with her as he liked. Then he murdered her husband who questioned his actions, and because he was a slave owner, he was never convicted of his crimes. This same man sat in the amen corner of the church and heard another monster condone his actions. The pulpit monster, with smile on his face, proclaimed to a congregation of churchgoers that all gays should be lined up and killed by a firing a squad. Outside this building, above the double doors, was the sign— “Christian Church.”
   A question faces the American people—Are we going to allow evil, one which permeates the pulpits, to move the world back into an earlier era of darkness? Are we not able to learn from the past? It is time to listen to the voices of those who have experienced the evils of hate. 
   Auschwitz, a Nazi German death camp, is a living example that hate will not endure the test of time. Roman Kent, a survivor of Auschwitz, said, “Hate is never right and love is never wrong. Hate leads to places like Auschwitz. All countries must make hate a crime.”
   Other survivors of the Auschwitz death camp told of soldiers jerking babies from the arms of mothers and, with smiles on their faces, stabbing the babies to death. Others told of soldiers laughing as they poured pellets of poisonous gas into the chambers that killed thousands of innocent people. The people of the world should ask the question—How is it possible for humans to be so cruel?  There is
nothing that exemplifies cruelty more than an evil man with power, someone who is supported by brainwashed evildoers who carry out his wicked deeds. Also, we must never forget that major news outlets were approving the actions of the extermination camps operated by the Third Reich.   In the words of Roman Kent, “If it happened once, it can happen again.  We do not want our past to be our children’s future.”







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