Monday, April 29, 2019



When I wake up each morning I have to ask God to hold my tongue to keep me from saying things to Donald Trump supporters that, even though are true, would not be helpful in solving the political chaos that is facing America.  I refuse to put in print what I really think of those who will not accept the truth about a political leader. I need the grace of God to control my anger when I realize the damage these people are doing to America’s democratic process.   

However, I believe that there will come a time when they will read and hear an actual description of what this lost generation has done, and it will come from the children of tomorrow. It will be the future generation who will write the real pages of American history. They will tell the story of a narrow-minded generation of Confederate led Christians who supported an evil regime that nearly destroyed America’s democracy.

It is still doubtful that the United States will survive this horror story that has invaded America’s political scene. American democracy is on life support and is fighting for survival. Nevertheless, with reprisals from my own family, I still say it is a disgrace what the last administration has done to America. I find it difficult to say mildly what I know to be true. I find no other way to say to adults than, you will follow the devil into the pits of hell, because you are too stupid to discern for yourself what is right and what is wrong.  You fail to realize that every move Donald Trump and his administration have made is to undermine America’s democracy.

If US democracy survives it be will be because of the mid-term election of 2018 and the hopes for the election of 2020. The only path forward for democracy is the election of 2020.  America’s democracy is in danger and hangs in the balance between honesty and dishonesty. Never in the history of mankind have there been more dishonest elected officials than in America’s political system today. If democracy fails; today’s generation will be cursed by future generations and rightfully so. 

One hundred years from now historians will still be trying to explain how those who called themselves Christians supported the most corrupt administration in America’s history. The biggest mistake in all of world history will be from a nation of people who inherited the best form of government known to mankind, but gave it up for a wannabe authoritarian fool.

No longer can this tongue stay silent. I have a dog in this fight and it is to do everything in my power to see that every boy and girl, regardless of financial status, regardless of skin color, or sexual orientation, has the same opportunity for success that I had.  I believe with all my heart that America’s best leaders are yet to be born, and I am determined to see that they will be born in a free America.

It makes no difference what you have to say about me, for I too, have   come from the valley to the mountain top. I am a living witness to what free people can accomplish. I know what my forefathers meant when they endorsed the inscription on the Statue of Liberty, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free… I will lift my lamp inside the golden door.” (American poet—Emma Lazarus)

 There is absolutely no substitute for freedom!

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